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Рефераты по биологии Рефераты по экономике Рефераты по москвоведению Рефераты по экологии Краткое содержание произведений Рефераты по физкультуре и спорту Топики по английскому языку Рефераты по математике Рефераты по музыке Остальные рефераты Рефераты по авиации и космонавтике Рефераты по административному праву Рефераты по безопасности жизнедеятельности Рефераты по арбитражному процессу Рефераты по архитектуре Рефераты по астрономии Рефераты по банковскому делу Рефераты по биржевому делу Рефераты по ботанике и сельскому хозяйству Рефераты по бухгалтерскому учету и аудиту Рефераты по валютным отношениям Рефераты по ветеринарии Рефераты для военной кафедры Рефераты по географии Рефераты по геодезии Рефераты по геологии |
Топик: Andrei SakharovТопик: Andrei Sakharov(1921-89) There are many outstanding people in our country. Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov is one of them. He was born on the 21st of May in 1921. His parents were teachers. They paid a lot of attention to their son's education. He graduated from Moscow University in 1942. In 1947 he defended his thesis for the degree of Candidate of Science. Later in 1953 he defended his Doctorate Thesis and became the member of the Academy of Sciences. A. D. Sakharov was a physicist and he took an active part in developing the hydrogen bomb. He understood that any atomic and nuclear weapons should be banned. He respected men and fought for human rights in our country. He worked a lot. In 1975 he was awarded the Nobel Peace prize. The life of A. Sakharov was difficult. In 1980 he was deprived of all his titles and he had to leave Moscow for Gorky. He worked there too. He devoted his life to humankind. He was a humanist and he fought for justice, peace, human rights. M. S. Gorbachev helped him to return to Moscow. A. Sakharov was given back all his titles. A. D. Sakharov died in 1989. He was the representative of our best men. He did a lot and he foresaw a lot. He was an outstanding scientist and a public figure. Our country remembers his name. Список литературы Для подготовки данной работы были использованы материалы с сайта http://nota.triwe.net/ |